
Home 2012-07-17T15:12:58+00:00
  • A gardner must accumulate at least 12 hours of community service per year as per the garden rules and regulations.
  • A quartely meeting time is considered as community service.
  • Please log all your community service hours under your plot number in the white notebook located in the shed. Also, please list which the time it took to do the community service hours and specify the task completed.

North Hollywood Community Garden
Community Areas of the Garden


  1. Sweep floors
  2. Organize tools and supplies – notify garden manager of anything damaged or missing
  3. Keep shed clear of any materials that are not garden related
  4. Touch up paint when needed or in the event of graffiti

Garden supply bins
(newspapers, pots, buckets, pallets, misc)

  1. Keep the supply bins and shelves orderly in appearance
  2. Dispose of any items that are not useful for the garden, pose a hazardous situation, or are damaged beyond reasonable repair or usefulness.
  3. Repair or rebuild collection bins and shelves as needed
  4. Keep area free of weed and vine growth

All gardeners are expected to participate in composting as instructed in orientation.

Front Gate Ivy

  1. Trim back ivy so it is only on the fence not spreading more than 1 foot from fence
  2. Keep the city water pipes free of ivy growth and debris
  3. Prune the mulberry tree of any low hanging branches

Community Gardens

Hong Kong Lilly flowerbed

  1. Weeding, watering, and cultivating

Front gate and fence line flowerbed

  1. Weeding, watering, and cultivating

Herb Garden

  1. Weeding, watering, and cultivating

Orchard flowerbeds and growth along the fence

  1. Weeding, watering, and cultivating

Flowerbed under tree in the East Center of the garden

  1. Weeding, watering, and cultivating

Orchard front gate and Northwest side of garden

  1. Watering
  2. Pruning during the appropriate time of year
  3. Keep orchard free of weed growth and covered in chips
  4. Trim back any hazardous branches and shoots from the base of the trunks regularly

Trash and unusable green waste
(diseased plants, branches, hard to digest overflow)

  1. Empty trash bins whenever access to dumpsters
  2. Remove debris from hard to digest bin when getting too full
  3. Dispose of any branches or other green waste that will not break down in our composting system

(community paths only – not sections plotholders are required to maintain)

  1. Keep community paths free of weeds
  2. Fill any ruts or holes that pose a hazard
  3. If a fresh layer of chips or a complete rebuild is needed – notify the EC to address at the next workday if the workload is better accomplished by a group.